PiTinfo + wemos / mysensors ?
merci ! apparemment c'est le cas
https://github.com/jaysee/teleInfo/blob/master/examples/mySensors/mySensors.inoje vais tester ça !
Sinon c'est inclus dans tasmota aussi maintenant c'est en cours aussi pour le linky sur mon repo ici
https://github.com/hallard/Tasmota -
ah ! ça c'est cool, j'utilise Tasmota pour piloter quelques luminaires
Et bien je vais tester ça au plus vite (dès que la température sera assez fraîche pour sortir jusqu'à mon compteur ^^)
Pour le moment c'est vu comme un device "energy" et ça ajoute tous les champs dans la trame MQTT
{ "Time": "2020-08-10T16:21:30", "ENERGY": { "TotalStartTime": "2020-06-15T19:19:35", "Total": 3460.781, "Yesterday": 0.559, "Today": 3460.222, "Power": 210, "Current": 1, "Load": 6, "ADCO": 2147483647, "OPTARIF": "HC..", "ISOUSC": 15, "HCHC": 719033, "HCHP": 1730210, "PTEC": "HP..", "IINST": 1, "IMAX": 2, "PAPP": 210, "HHPHC": "A", "MOTDETAT": 0 } }
Petite question, jusqu'à présent pour flasher tasmota sur un device j'utilisais le .bin fourni ici http://thehackbox.org/tasmota/release/
Pour utiliser ta version, comment dois-je faire ?
Essayes ça
si tu veux le faire en OTA tu dois faire en 2 étapes
- upgrade avec firmware minimal http://thehackbox.org/tasmota/release/tasmota-minimal.bin
- une fois rebooté, upgrade avec ma version http://hallard.me/blog/wp-content/uploads/tasmota-sensors.bin.gz
je teste ça une fois que j'ai réussi à faire fonctionner le module pitinfo sur un raspberry déjà (j'ouvre un nouveau sujet pour ça) -
J'ai réussi à utiliser avec mon pi 0, je passe au wemos / tasmota.
J'ai flashé le FW que tu m'as donné, je suis connecté au wemos / tasmota, par contre j'aurai besoin d'un peu d'aide sur la configuration de Tasmota : j'ai branché le Tx du pitinfo sur le Rx du wemos, par contre, comment faire pour envoyer les infos sur mon jeedom ? (via mqtt par exemple) -
Alors oui petite subtilité de la config, moi j'ai une carte WifInfo avec une led RGB WS2812 sur GPIO0 et de l'I2C, la teleinfo arrive sur GPIO3Voici le template que j'utilise (qui doit fonctionner pour toi)
A rentrer dans le menuConfiguration
/Configure Other
Bien cocher
ensuite tu peux modifier à ta guise dans via le menu
/Configure Template
La subtilité c'est de bien configurer la pin
TInfo Rx
sur la bonne GPIO (ici GPIO3)regarde bien dans la console web au boot tu devrais voir arriver des choses. En revanche je ne sais pas quel format de payload attend jeedom, tu devras peut être faire qq modif de ce coté
00:00:00 CFG: Loaded from flash at F9, Count 196 00:00:00 QPC: Flag 7E 00:00:00 CFG: CR 385/699, Busy 0 00:00:00 SRC: Restart 00:00:00 Project tasmota Tasmota Version 00:00:00 TIC: inferface speed 1200 bps 00:00:00 TIC: RX on GPIO3 00:00:00 TIC: always enabled 00:00:00 SNS: Hardware Serial 00:00:00 SER: Set to 7E1 1200 bit/s 00:00:00 TIC: using hardware serial 00:00:00 TIC: Ready 00:00:00 SHT: Sensor did not ACK command 00:00:00 I2C: TSL2561 found at 0x39 00:00:00 WIF: Checking connection... 00:00:00 WIF: Attempting connection... 00:00:00 WIF: Connecting to AP1 CH2I-HOTSPOT Channel 6 BSSId 58:6D:8F:0F:73:3D in mode 11N as wifinfo_7B43-6979... 00:00:01 WIF: Checking connection... 00:00:01 WIF: Attempting connection... 00:00:02 WIF: Checking connection... 00:00:02 WIF: Attempting connection... 00:00:03 WIF: Checking connection... 00:00:03 WIF: Attempting connection... 00:00:04 TIC: # ADCO=021528603314 00:00:04 TIC: Contract changed, now 'HC..' (2) 00:00:04 TIC: # OPTARIF=HC.. 00:00:04 TIC: ISousc set to 15 00:00:04 TIC: # ISOUSC=15 00:00:04 TIC: HC:719467 HP:0 Total:719467 00:00:04 TIC: # HCHC=000719467 00:00:04 TIC: HC:719467 HP:1731149 Total:2450616 00:00:04 TIC: # HCHP=001731149 00:00:04 TIC: Tarif changed, now 'HP..' (4) 00:00:04 TIC: # PTEC=HP.. 00:00:04 TIC: Current 001, now 1 00:00:04 TIC: # IINST=001 00:00:04 TIC: # IMAX=002 00:00:05 WIF: Checking connection... 00:00:05 WIF: Connected 00:00:05 TIC: Power 00220, now 220 00:00:05 TIC: # PAPP=00220 00:00:05 TIC: # HHPHC=A 00:00:05 RSL: tele/wifinfo_7B43/MARGINS = {"MARGINS":{"PowerDelta":220}} 00:00:05 RSL: tele/wifinfo_7B43/SENSOR = {"Time":"1970-01-01T00:00:05","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2020-06-15T19:19:35","Total":6923.084,"Yesterday":0.559,"Today":6922.525,"Power":220,"Current":1.000,"Load":6,"ADCO":2147483647,"OPTARIF":"HC..","ISOUSC":15,"HCHC":719467,"HCHP":1731149,"PTEC":"HP..","IINST":1,"IMAX":2,"PAPP":220,"HHPHC":"A"}} 00:00:05 HTP: Web server active on wifinfo_7B43-6979 with IP address 00:00:05 TIC: # MOTDETAT=000000 12:08:36 NTP: UTC 2020-08-11T10:08:35, DST 2020-03-29T02:00:00, STD 2020-10-25T03:00:00 12:08:36 QPC: Reset 12:08:36 MQT: Attempting connection... 12:08:36 MQT: Connected 12:08:36 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/LWT = Online (retained) 12:08:36 MQT: cmnd/wifinfo_7B43/POWER = 12:08:36 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/wifinfo_7B43/# 12:08:36 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/tasmotas/# 12:08:36 MQT: Subscribe to cmnd/DVES_C07B43_fb/# 12:08:36 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/INFO1 = {"Module":"WifInfo","Version":"","FallbackTopic":"cmnd/DVES_C07B43_fb/","GroupTopic":"cmnd/tasmotas/"} 12:08:36 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/INFO2 = {"WebServerMode":"Admin","Hostname":"wifinfo_7B43-6979","IPAddress":""} 12:08:36 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/INFO3 = {"RestartReason":"External System"} 12:08:36 MQT: stat/wifinfo_7B43/RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"} 12:08:36 MQT: stat/wifinfo_7B43/POWER = OFF 12:08:36 TIC: Power 00210, now 210 12:08:36 TIC: * PAPP=00210 12:08:37 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/MARGINS = {"MARGINS":{"PowerDelta":-10}} 12:08:37 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/SENSOR = {"Time":"2020-08-11T12:08:37","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2020-06-15T19:19:35","Total":6923.084,"Yesterday":0.559,"Today":6922.525,"Power":210,"Current":1.000,"Load":6,"ADCO":2147483647,"OPTARIF":"HC..","ISOUSC":15,"HCHC":719467,"HCHP":1731149,"PTEC":"HP..","IINST":1,"IMAX":2,"PAPP":210,"HHPHC":"A","MOTDETAT":0}} 12:08:38 APP: Boot Count 113 12:08:39 CFG: Saved to flash at F8, Count 197, Bytes 4096 12:08:39 TIC: Power 00170, now 170 12:08:39 TIC: * PAPP=00170 12:08:40 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/MARGINS = {"MARGINS":{"PowerDelta":-40}} 12:08:40 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/SENSOR = {"Time":"2020-08-11T12:08:40","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2020-06-15T19:19:35","Total":6923.084,"Yesterday":0.559,"Today":6922.525,"Power":170,"Current":1.000,"Load":6,"ADCO":2147483647,"OPTARIF":"HC..","ISOUSC":15,"HCHC":719467,"HCHP":1731149,"PTEC":"HP..","IINST":1,"IMAX":2,"PAPP":170,"HHPHC":"A","MOTDETAT":0}} 12:08:41 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/STATE = {"Time":"2020-08-11T12:08:41","Uptime":"0T00:00:13","UptimeSec":13,"Heap":20,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER":"OFF","Dimmer":84,"Color":"D65856","HSBColor":"1,60,84","Channel":[84,35,34],"Scheme":0,"Width":1,"Fade":"OFF","Speed":1,"LedTable":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"CH2I-HOTSPOT","BSSId":"58:6D:8F:0F:73:3D","Channel":6,"RSSI":90,"Signal":-55,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:06"}} 12:08:41 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/SENSOR = {"Time":"2020-08-11T12:08:41","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2020-06-15T19:19:35","Total":6923.084,"Yesterday":0.559,"Today":6922.525,"Period":1731149,"Power":170,"Current":1.000,"Load":6,"ADCO":2147483647,"OPTARIF":"HC..","ISOUSC":15,"HCHC":719467,"HCHP":1731149,"PTEC":"HP..","IINST":1,"IMAX":2,"PAPP":170,"HHPHC":"A","MOTDETAT":0},"TSL2561":{"Illuminance":33.330}} 12:08:41 TIC: Power 00200, now 200 12:08:41 TIC: * PAPP=00200 12:08:42 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/MARGINS = {"MARGINS":{"PowerDelta":30}} 12:08:42 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/SENSOR = {"Time":"2020-08-11T12:08:42","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2020-06-15T19:19:35","Total":6923.084,"Yesterday":0.559,"Today":6922.525,"Power":200,"Current":1.000,"Load":6,"ADCO":2147483647,"OPTARIF":"HC..","ISOUSC":15,"HCHC":719467,"HCHP":1731149,"PTEC":"HP..","IINST":1,"IMAX":2,"PAPP":200,"HHPHC":"A","MOTDETAT":0}} 12:08:42 TIC: Power 00170, now 170 12:08:42 TIC: * PAPP=00170 12:08:43 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/MARGINS = {"MARGINS":{"PowerDelta":-30}} 12:08:43 MQT: tele/wifinfo_7B43/SENSOR = {"Time":"2020-08-11T12:08:43","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2020-06-15T19:19:35","Total":6923.084,"Yesterday":0.559,"Today":6922.525,"Power":170,"Current":1.000,"Load":6,"ADCO":2147483647,"OPTARIF":"HC..","ISOUSC":15,"HCHC":719467,"HCHP":1731149,"PTEC":"HP..","IINST":1,"IMAX":2,"PAPP":170,"HHPHC":"A","MOTDETAT":0}} 12:08:44 TIC: Power 00200, now 200 12:08:44 TIC: * PAPP=00200
Salut @Charles,
mon 2020's Pitinfo marche nickel avec le wemos selon cette config.
Je souhaite basculer le TIC en mode standard, faut-il modifier la config stp ? -
@jcoudrais yes il faut passer la commande dans la console
EnergyConfig standard