Denky D4 - démarrage
@Tostaky said in Denky D4 - démarrage:
TIC: RX on GPIO8, baudrate 1200
Tu es en mode historique (1200) sur le Denky, si tu reçois rien c'est que le Linky doit être en mode standard (tu dois pouvoir le vérifier en naviguant dans les menu du linky)
La doc est ici pour passer le Denky en mode standard c'est
energyconfig standard
depuis la console ça devrait te renvoyer des données. -
@Charles Merci. Je n'avais pas encore trouvé cela
Cela fonctionne tout de suite mieux -
A toute fin utile, voici mon aide mémoire quant à l'usage du Denky avec EmonCMS et un onduleur Huawei.
Merci @Charles pour toute la partie Denky / Teleinfo / Tasmota
Juste pour partager la mise à jour du script Berry et le rendre compatible avec l'offre Tempo (en mode standard).
C'est disponible sur le github ci-dessus
@Tostaky Super, merci pour le partage
En voulant optimiser mon script Berry, je n'ai plus de Berry du tout.
Suite à une erreur de syntaxe. Il n'entend plus rien.Par contre, j'ai des erreurs dans les logs. Le forum pousse vers une erreur hardware, mais je n'ai touché à rien...
00:00:00.002 HDW: ESP32-PICO-V3-02 v3.0 (PSRAM) 00:00:00.060 UFS: FlashFS mounted with 4396 kB free 00:00:00.088 CFG: Loaded from File, Count 61 00:00:00.298 QPC: Count 1 00:00:00.304 I2C: Bus1 using GPIO22(SCL) and GPIO21(SDA) 00:00:00.399 BRY: Berry initialized, RAM used 3932 bytes 00:00:00.484 CFG: Energy loaded from file 00:00:00.484 NRG: Init driver 15 00:00:00.495 Project tasmota - Tasmota Version 00:00:00.496 TIC: RX on GPIO8, baudrate 9600 00:00:01.147 WIF: Connecting to AP1 LaPetiteMaisonSurLaColline Channel 1 BSSId 04:D9:F5:ED:8A:D8 in mode 11n as tasmota-F365C0-1472... 00:00:02.811 WIF: Connected 00:00:03.251 HTP: Web server active on tasmota-F365C0-1472 with IP address 00:00:06.748 RSL: INFO1 = {"Info1":{"Module":"Denky D4 (v1.1)","Version":"","FallbackTopic":"cmnd/DVES_F365C0_fb/","GroupTopic":"cmnd/tasmotas/"}} 00:00:06.762 RSL: INFO2 = {"Info2":{"WebServerMode":"Admin","Hostname":"tasmota-F365C0-1472","IPAddress":"","IP6Global":"","IP6Local":"fe80::4e75:25ff:fef3:65c0%st1"}} 00:00:06.775 RSL: INFO3 = {"Info3":{"RestartReason":"Software reset CPU","BootCount":22}} 00:00:06.778 RSL: RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"} 00:00:06.789 RSL: POWER = OFF 00:00:06.806 QPC: Reset 00:00:10.269 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=1) 00:00:10.270 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=2) 00:00:10.698 RSL: STATE = {"Time":"1970-01-01T00:00:10","Uptime":"0T00:00:12","UptimeSec":12,"Heap":165,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":191,"MqttCount":0,"Berry":{"HeapUsed":3,"Objects":39},"POWER":"OFF","Dimmer":15,"Color":"072606","HSBColor":"118,83,15","Channel":[2,15,2],"Scheme":0,"Width":1,"Fade":"OFF","Speed":1,"LedTable":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"wifi","BSSId":"ED:EA:DD:ED:EA:DD","Channel":1,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":100,"Signal":-10,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:04"}} 00:00:10.762 RSL: SENSOR = {"Time":"1970-01-01T00:00:10","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2023-11-27T10:39:09","Total":14461.792,"Yesterday":18.499,"Today":11.937,"Period":[0,0,0],"Power":[0,296,265],"ApparentPower":[0,296,265],"ReactivePower":[0,0,0],"Factor":[0.00,1.00,1.00],"Voltage":[240,230,242],"Current":[0.000,1.000,1.000],"Load":0},"TIC":{"ADSC":"022076181156","VTIC":2,"NGTF":"TEMPO","LTARF":"HP BLANC","EAST":14461792,"EASF01":6639586,"EASF02":7811982,"EASF03":4490,"EASF04":5734,"EASF05":0,"EASF06":0,"EASF07":0,"EASF08":0,"EASF09":0,"EASF10":0,"EASD01":9237921,"EASD02":2600419,"EASD03":1101322,"EASD04":1522130,"EAIT":3092107,"ERQ1":1957715,"ERQ2":362099,"ERQ3":52179,"ERQ4":912319,"IRMS1":0,"IRMS2":1,"IRMS3":1,"URMS1":240,"URMS2":230,"URMS3":242,"PREF":9,"PCOUP":9,"SINSTS":596,"SINSTS1":32,"SINSTS2":296,"SINSTS3":265,"SMAXSN":6000,"SMAXSN1":1080,"SMAXSN2":2890,"SMAXSN3":2100,"SMAXSN-1":3560,"SMAXSN1-1":1110,"SMAXSN2-1":1090,"SMAXSN3-1":1350,"SINSTI":0,"SMAXIN":730,"SMAXIN-1":2810,"CCASN":636,"CCASN-1":384,"CCAIN":0,"CCAIN-1":0,"UMOY1":238,"UMOY2":227,"UMOY3":241,"STGE":"5A3ACD01","PRM":2147483647,"RELAIS":0,"NTARF":4,"NJOURF":0,"NJOURF+1":0}} 21:51:27.486 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=3) 21:51:27.487 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=4) 21:51:30.780 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=5) 21:51:30.782 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=6) 21:51:33.975 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=7) 21:51:33.976 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=8) 21:51:36.998 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=9) 21:51:36.000 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=10) 21:51:40.247 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=11) 21:51:40.249 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=12) 21:51:43.491 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=13) 21:51:43.492 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=14) 21:51:46.497 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=15) 21:51:46.498 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=16) 21:51:49.746 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=17) 21:51:49.747 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=18) 21:51:52.993 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=19) 21:51:52.994 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=20) [...] 22:20:30.811 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=886) 22:20:31.024 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=887) 22:20:34.024 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=888) 22:20:34.269 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=889) 22:20:37.274 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=890) 22:20:37.277 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=891) 22:20:40.522 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=892) 22:20:40.524 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=893) 22:20:43.747 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=894) 22:20:43.749 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=895) 22:20:45.271 RSL: RESULT = {"SerialLog":{"4":{"Active":"4"}}} 22:20:45.352 RSL: RESULT = {"WebLog":2} 22:20:45.370 RSL: RESULT = {"MqttLog":0} 22:20:45.381 RSL: RESULT = {"SysLog":{"0":{"Active":"0"}}} 22:20:45.407 RSL: RESULT = {"LogHost":""} 22:20:45.430 RSL: RESULT = {"LogPort":514} 22:20:45.441 RSL: RESULT = {"TelePeriod":300} 22:20:45.649 RSL: STATE = {"Time":"2023-11-27T22:20:45","Uptime":"0T00:23:49","UptimeSec":1429,"Heap":160,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":37,"MqttCount":0,"Berry":{"HeapUsed":6,"Objects":85},"POWER":"OFF","Dimmer":15,"Color":"072606","HSBColor":"118,83,15","Channel":[2,15,2],"Scheme":0,"Width":1,"Fade":"OFF","Speed":1,"LedTable":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"LaPetiteMaisonSurLaColline","BSSId":"04:D9:F5:ED:8A:D8","Channel":1,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":100,"Signal":-9,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:05"}} 22:20:45.723 RSL: SENSOR = {"Time":"2023-11-27T22:20:45","ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2023-11-27T10:39:09","Total":14463.206,"Yesterday":18.499,"Today":11.937,"Period":[0,0,0],"Power":[1137,1277,1268],"ApparentPower":[1137,1277,1268],"ReactivePower":[0,0,0],"Factor":[1.00,1.00,1.00],"Voltage":[234,229,241],"Current":[5.000,6.000,5.000],"Load":11},"TIC":{"ADSC":"022076181156","VTIC":2,"NGTF":"TEMPO","LTARF":"HC BLANC","EAST":14463206,"EASF01":6639586,"EASF02":7811982,"EASF03":5854,"EASF04":5784,"EASF05":0,"EASF06":0,"EASF07":0,"EASF08":0,"EASF09":0,"EASF10":0,"EASD01":9237921,"EASD02":2600419,"EASD03":1102687,"EASD04":1522180,"EAIT":3092107,"ERQ1":1957715,"ERQ2":362099,"ERQ3":52179,"ERQ4":912383,"IRMS1":5,"IRMS2":6,"IRMS3":5,"URMS1":234,"URMS2":229,"URMS3":241,"PREF":9,"PCOUP":9,"SINSTS":3682,"SINSTS1":1137,"SINSTS2":1277,"SINSTS3":1268,"SMAXSN":6000,"SMAXSN1":1160,"SMAXSN2":2890,"SMAXSN3":2100,"SMAXSN-1":3560,"SMAXSN1-1":1110,"SMAXSN2-1":1090,"SMAXSN3-1":1350,"SINSTI":0,"SMAXIN":730,"SMAXIN-1":2810,"CCASN":414,"CCASN-1":636,"CCAIN":0,"CCAIN-1":0,"UMOY1":238,"UMOY2":229,"UMOY3":240,"STGE":"5A3A8900","PRM":2147483647,"RELAIS":1,"NTARF":3,"NJOURF":0,"NJOURF+1":0}} 22:20:46.753 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=896) 22:20:46.755 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=897) 22:20:50.031 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=898) 22:20:50.033 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=899) 22:20:53.267 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x23 (total errors=900) 22:20:53.269 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=901)
Pensant bien faire, j'ai mis à jour avec la dernière version. cela n'a rien changé.
Le script testé ici est celui de l'origine qui remplissaint les données vers EmonCMS. Plus de fonctionnement ...Quelles seraient les sources potentielles ?
Merci de votre aide.D'autres longs ont fini par apparaitre dans la console Berry
BRY: Exception> 'type_error' - 'nil' value is not callable <unknown source>: in function `page_autoconf_mgr` <unknown source>: in function `<lambda>`
Après une remise à zéro complète du Denky (bon, l' est resté)
22:31:51.968 BRY: Exception> 'key_error' - EAST 22:31:51.970 stack traceback: 22:31:51.972 <native>: in native function 22:31:51.973 <unknown source>: in function `rule_tic` 22:31:51.976 <unknown source>: in function `try_rule` 22:31:51.988 <unknown source>: in function `exec_rules` 22:31:51.990 <unknown source>: in function `event` 22:31:54.370 BRY: Exception> 'key_error' - EAST 22:31:54.372 stack traceback: 22:31:54.374 <native>: in native function 22:31:54.375 <unknown source>: in function `rule_tic` 22:31:54.378 <unknown source>: in function `try_rule` 22:31:54.390 <unknown source>: in function `exec_rules` 22:31:54.392 <unknown source>: in function `event` 22:31:56.771 BRY: Exception> 'key_error' - EAST 22:31:56.773 stack traceback: 22:31:56.775 <native>: in native function 22:31:56.776 <unknown source>: in function `rule_tic` 22:31:56.779 <unknown source>: in function `try_rule` 22:31:56.791 <unknown source>: in function `exec_rules` 22:31:56.793 <unknown source>: in function `event` 22:31:59.171 BRY: Exception> 'key_error' - EAST 22:31:59.173 stack traceback: 22:31:59.175 <native>: in native function 22:31:59.176 <unknown source>: in function `rule_tic` 22:31:59.179 <unknown source>: in function `try_rule` 22:31:59.191 <unknown source>: in function `exec_rules` 22:31:59.193 <unknown source>: in function `event` 22:32:01.586 BRY: Exception> 'key_error' - EAST 22:32:01.588 stack traceback: 22:32:01.590 <native>: in native function 22:32:01.592 <unknown source>: in function `rule_tic` 22:32:01.594 <unknown source>: in function `try_rule` 22:32:01.607 <unknown source>: in function `exec_rules` 22:32:01.609 <unknown source>: in function `event` 22:32:03.974 BRY: Exception> 'key_error' - EAST 22:32:03.976 stack traceback: 22:32:03.978 <native>: in native function 22:32:03.979 <unknown source>: in function `rule_tic` 22:32:03.982 <unknown source>: in function `try_rule` 22:32:03.994 <unknown source>: in function `exec_rules` 22:32:03.996 <unknown source>: in function `event` 22:32:06.375 BRY: Exception> 'key_error' - EAST 22:32:06.377 stack traceback: 22:32:06.379 <native>: in native function 22:32:06.380 <unknown source>: in function `rule_tic` 22:32:06.383 <unknown source>: in function `try_rule` 22:32:06.395 <unknown source>: in function `exec_rules` 22:32:06.397 <unknown source>: in function `event` 22:32:07.922 CMD: energyconfig standard 22:32:07.926 TIC: 'standard' mode 22:32:07.927 TIC: RX on GPIO8, baudrate 9600 22:32:07.932 RSL: RESULT = {"EnergyConfig":"Done"} 22:32:08.965 BRY: Exception> 'key_error' - EAST 22:32:08.968 stack traceback: 22:32:08.969 <native>: in native function 22:32:08.971 <unknown source>: in function `rule_tic` 22:32:08.973 <unknown source>: in function `try_rule` 22:32:08.985 <unknown source>: in function `exec_rules` 22:32:08.987 <unknown source>: in function `event` 22:32:11.365 BRY: Exception> 'key_error' - EAST 22:32:11.367 stack traceback: 22:32:11.368 <native>: in native function 22:32:11.370 <unknown source>: in function `rule_tic` 22:32:11.372 <unknown source>: in function `try_rule` 22:32:11.385 <unknown source>: in function `exec_rules` 22:32:11.387 <unknown source>: in function `event` 22:32:13.768 BRY: Exception> 'key_error' - EAIT 22:32:13.770 stack traceback: 22:32:13.772 <native>: in native function 22:32:13.774 <unknown source>: in function `rule_tic` 22:32:13.776 <unknown source>: in function `try_rule` 22:32:13.788 <unknown source>: in function `exec_rules` 22:32:13.790 <unknown source>: in function `event`
edit: orthographe / politesse / more logs
@Tostaky said in Denky D4 - démarrage:
21:51:52.994 LibTeleinfo::checkLine Err checksum 0x00 != 0x26 (total errors=20)
Le script Berry tourne. C'est le bonhomme qui ne tourne pas...
Par contre, toujours des erreurs de la lib -
@Tostaky si tu es en version 1.1 tu peux essayer d'ajouter une résistance de 1K en série avec un de tes fils de la téléinfo, ça devrait aller mieux.
@Charles Merci.
la version 1.1 est celle du hardware ou du template ?
Coté hardware, je suis en v1.3 -
@Tostaky à ce moment la tu peux essayer de tourner le petit potentiomètre dans un sens puis dans l'autre il y a un moment ou ca devrait bien réduire les erreurs de checksum.
C Charles referenced this topic on
Wilco -
Mise à jour de ma doc sur les étiquettes Standard et Historique. et décodage des étiquettes ADSC et STEG en particulier
@Tostaky au top merci pour ces explications et cette documentation.