very smart. it looks promising, I like the way protocol will be managed:)
Best posts made by scalz
RE: ULPNode RF Protocol
Latest posts made by scalz
RE: WebServer étrange
tout le plaisir est pour moi aussi. et de voir que tu aides ici aussi c'est bueno
ca fait partie de mon trio favoriavec mys et jeedom
mais je ne suis actif qu'à un endroit pour l'instant malheureusement.. Charles a bossé dur en coulisse, ça va être extra de chez extra.
jsuis ancien dev mais je le resterai toujours! (et ancien veut pas dire que je suis vieux ahah). Vu que j'ai pas trop le temps pour l'instant quand je vois ce qu'à fait Charles, ui, websockets, wow youpie yeah, je ne peux que kiffer, je plussoie, j'en souris jusqu'au oreilles
car c'est sur ma todo, de pouvoir manager ma gw et mes nodes même si pas de controller (j'avais comme idée esp server async websockets, et appli mobile hybride..).
pff trop trop hate de vous rejoindre, jvais finir par rouiller lol et quand je vois async etc, truc de geek de developper, ça me donne envie de plonger dedans, mais non non faut pas que jfasse l'abeille et que jme mette à butiner...faut que je finisse mes design de gizmos avant, que j'ai hâte de montrer d'ailleurs...
RE: Be prepared to new Ultra Low Power Arduino Wireless Sensor Node
I know about sanyo eneloops but I didn't know it was 5%, I was thinking these was 15%..perhaps 5% is the ideal case in the fridge ahah sorry lol I know these are one of the best nimh
No matter, I'm glad if I can help a little
Good luck in your projects and see you soon -
RE: Be prepared to new Ultra Low Power Arduino Wireless Sensor Node
@Samuel hello. sure it's fun to optimize power but nimh???
I don't know powerconsumption of your node but if your are using low power sensors, I hope the selfidscharge rate of your nimh does not break your lowpower goals.
Nimh selfdischarge could be more than your circuit consumption..imho nimh are not the best!
Bad quality is discharged in one year, others are 30%year (for a 1000mah, that would roughly give 400uA of selfdischarge just for the batt!). maybe good nimh are 15%. What I mean is if you try to get everything low power like says 20uA or for ulpnode (a lot lower), if nimh discharge at 100 or more uA...then attempts on lowpower part are useless! In this case, what matter? the circuit consumption or the selfdischarge? 20uA or 30uA circuit does not make any difference..the node will be discharged soon by its it's not really low power optimized, far from lithium tech..but again I don't know your goals and maybe you already thought about this
RE: ULPNode Low Power Secret Revealead
@mj : oki I see. So few things :
- drive you booster EN with ncp RST with mosfet.
- drive ncp CD with arduino. vin ncp to vin.
- for capa storage, it depends of your circuit,47 to 100uf for instance...
but to have the whole thing ultra low power there are lot of other tricks to do. schema is a little bit more complicated. Maybe you should wait a little bit. I think Charles is working hard to publish all his workI will publish my work soon, this month I think, I am working on others projects actually but I will try to take some time...
RE: ULPNode Low Power Secret Revealead
@mj : hi. I will let Charles answer but if it can help, as I have studied this very nice article too, and made my node myself. It was some work to understand and make it but was a very interesting learning curve
- In chapter 5.2 and 5.4 of MCP1640 datasheet, resistors and capacitor values are for Vout as MCP1640 is adjustable. Nothing to do with ulpnode, this is common to every adjustable Vout switching/LDO regulators.. where you can set Vout (output) to the voltage you want (says 3.3v if you need 3.3v vcc for your circuit, or 2.9, 3.6v...).
- So if you look at Charles article, the 2V limit is not a matter of resistor or capa. Charles disable the mcp1640 then voltage falls to a 2v limit. and then he enables it again...we can call this a power sequence. So, the 2V limit is managed by the NCP302LSN20T1 supervisor. I suggest you to look at mcp1640 and ncp302 datasheets and appnotes
RE: Happy New Year!
Excellent Dj C2H
Merci, en plus en ce moment j'en avais marre de mes playlists...
Jsuis en train d'écouter, sympa. Jvais me coller ça ce soir tiens, un peu d'électro, ptit rush, le pied jvais pas me coucher tot comme c'est là -
RE: Tutoriel d'assemblage Remora v1.3
beau boulot
juste par curiosité, t'as quoi comme printer? -
RE: Nouvel Adaptateur Remora pour l'ESP8266 WeMos
oui ça a mis un peu de temps mais oui, cool!