Linky meter. Apparent power only
I have esp with teleinfo board running tasmota. Everything works fine.
I now just discovered that my induction heating stove drains about 10W on standby and whopping 200VA of reactive power! apparently this is common thing with induction stoves. My energy provider charges only for active power, so this does not matter for billing. But for data logging this matters. Because the linky is showing and sending to teleinfo only Apparent power (total power). The easy fix is just deduct 200 from all my graphs, but I don't like this solution.
Is there a way to get Real (active )power from Linky meter? Or Apparent power and power factor ?
This is so stupid that I get charged for one thing (active power) but the screen on meter shows another thing (App. power) -
This is very interesting I did not checked with linky that now publish apparent power but before Linky, with my old counter I saw that my induction heater and oven were consuming about 100W doing nothing (and I have no auto detection on my induction heater). This is just amazing so now I'm cutting them off when not used.
I need to check how it's measured now with Linky. -
C Charles referenced this topic on
I currently don't have access to Teleinfo, my Linky is still outdoor, so I can't tell but if you ask for your data to Enedis the CSV file you get only shows Energie active, either with daily or hourly reports.
For hourly reports, the column 'W' contains the mean value for the period and as the period is half an hour, you have to apply a 0,5 coeff. to obtain the energy in Wh.
That way it matches the daily report that shows the counters values in Wh.Regarding hidden power consumption I was surprised with the DIN power monitor Eastron SDM120 Modbus that consumes about 0W but 15VAR.